View Full Version : Bill empowers IRS to take your guns

04-30-2012, 10:42 AM
The collection agency for the Federal Reserve known as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is working with legislators to gain control over the rights of Americans. Without the right to due process, the IRS can simply claim a citizen owes $50,000 dollars or more to their illegal operation. This accusation alone will give their agency the right to revoke American’s travel rights and even remove the right to own a firearm.
With the help of Representatives like Barbara Boxer of California, a bill rapidly working through Capitol Hill (passed through the Senate and is currently up for review in the House) will give the IRS power to:

Accuse Americans of delinquency of tax payment without due process
Revoke their passports and travel rights
Place the accused in a centralize database
Authorize the removal of their right to own a firearm
No formal charges are required. Simply the accusation from the IRS is sufficed to strip American citizens of their Constitutional rights.

“There is no requirement that the tax payer be guilty of or even charged with tax evasion, fraud, or any criminal offense — only that the citizen is alleged to owe the IRS back taxes of $50,000 or more,”reports the Daily Economist.

In essence, these blacklisted citizens would be remotely labeled “domestic terrorists” and treated as such.
The bill, S.1813, is a reauthorization of the federal highway aid, safety, and construction program. But Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV, and Senator Barbara Boxer, D-CA, added a major provision to the bill regarding the IRS.

The two Senators apparently want the IRS to have the power to revoke the gun rights of citizens and their right to travel if they owe more than $50,000 in back taxes.

But the problem is that the IRS would not be required to prove that a citizen owes $50,000. All it would take is for the IRS to accuse a citizen of owing that amount.

04-30-2012, 05:43 PM
Ever notice the commie bills are always written by demoRATS? They used to be the working mans party..now they are nothing but union thugs, homosexuals, no loads and America haters. Well, I hate them right back. I miss Bush more every day

04-30-2012, 07:48 PM
My guess is this is election year politics brought on by the need to blame the republicans for not funding highway repair... a shovel ready project.

Big Smoke
04-30-2012, 10:53 PM
Whenever the republicans hold power in one of the two branches, the dems start with all the crazy bills for a couple of reasons, one so they can blame republicans for the bill even being introduced, they'll never mention who it was that actually introduced it if was a democrat, and shout it from the rooftops if it is a republican.
And two, to show their own supporters they are trying, but the evil republicans are standing in the way of Utopia.
I'm cynical because I've been paying close attention for 28 years. From my experience, it is almost always the democrats fault from some trap they set up in the past like a time bomb, and whatever the democrats accuse the republicans of doing, they are doing themselves, and are looking to point fingers and say, "they do it too!" whenever they get caught. Even if they have no real proof, they just say it, point to some incident that has nothing to do with the issue, and cling to that as justification for what they are doing.