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DrHenley 05-25-2021 06:46 PM

Winsome Sears - HOLY COW!
Just now heard of her. There may be hope for Virginia yet! This is the Republican nominee for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia!
Conservative Black Female Jamaican Gun Loving Marine! What a combination, LOL!

Semper Paratus 05-25-2021 09:21 PM

She ran against Bobby Snott (hint replace the n with a c) a bunch or years back. That was One of the few elections in the last couple of decades that I didn't get 10 or 15 write in votes. Bobby Snott (hint replace the n with a c) usually runs unopposed in the Gerrymandered VA 3rd Congressional district. When there is no opposition I was it. Likely to be in my new home in a solidly Republican 2nd district by the 2022 elections.

DrHenley 11-03-2021 06:04 AM


sdmc530 11-03-2021 07:21 AM


DrHenley 11-03-2021 07:24 AM

BlackKnight 11-03-2021 09:21 AM

There may be hope for this country, yet. We may have taken NJ as well. It's a waiting game. But, the longest running Democratic State Senate President has been unseated!

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