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Old 08-24-2012, 03:11 PM
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Default Brand new ECO with a tad of an issue

I finally had an opportunity this morning to take my new ECO to the range. It was clean, wet and ready to rock.

The first round fired fine. The second didn’t and I suspect maybe a dud round; I ejected it and loaded a new one. It fired OK, the next didn’t. It turns out the slide is not going fully into battery as it should. It stops maybe a half-inch before it should. Slight thumb pressure on the rear of the slide and it goes forward into battery. I tried three different magazines and two types of ammo – it made no difference. I thought perhaps it just needed to be ‘worked’ more but after ~35 to 40 rounds it is no better.

I removed the slide when I returned home and found no obvious burrs or rub points other than the lower inside portion of the slide where the serial number is.

I fired off an email to Dave Severn to see if it needs to go back to him or to Keith.

Bummer - my first ever DW issue!
COTEP #447
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