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Old 02-28-2013, 12:14 AM
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Default I got one good reply from a MD Delegate, had top break up in 2 posts due to length

Dear Supporter of the Second Amendment:

Initially I take this opportunity to thank you for your recent email whereby you expressed adamant opposition to additional Gun Control initiatives which will be introduced in the 2013 Legislative Session of the land General Assembly. Since I have been literally inundated by communications such as yours, I hereby respond to same, and simultaneously set forth my sentiments on Gun Control.

By manner of introduction I am a six term Delegate to the land General Assembly representing Allegany County. I am an attorney by profession and during my entire twenty three years as a member of the General Assembly I have been assigned to the House Judiciary Committee. It should be noted the Judiciary Committee is the Committee to which all House of Delegates "Gun" initiatives are assigned. On a personal note, I am lawful owner of firearms and on numerous occasions I have been honored by various Pro - Gun Organizations for my staunch, unwavering support of the Second Amendment. Further, I possess an "A+" NRA rating.

I totally share your assessment that the current Legislative Session will unfortunately serve as a giant soapbox for Anti-Second Amendment zealots to spew their Gun-Hating venom and to pursue their Gun-Prohibition agendas.

Facts, statistics and common sense will be totally ignored as certain individuals jockey before the media to get their "on air" and/or "in print" opportunity to demonize the NRA and the Second Amendment Rights which the NRA protects and promotes. Simultaneously, many of these "Bashers" of the Second Amendment will utilize their media opportunities to demean those who support the Second Amendment; inferring such individuals "are of a lesser sophistication."

The Gun-Haters will proclaim to the media "They support the Second Amendment" and they only intend to make "reasonable and responsible changes to the gun laws." However, these same individuals will never legitimately pursue investigation of the true causes of violence in our society, specifically, broken homes, children born out of wedlock, absence of family structure, pervasiveness of drugs, street gangs, issues of a failed Mental Health System and the promotion/ glorification of violence in movies, on television and in video games, all of which serve to desensitize youth to the actual carnage caused by violence.

Further penalizing lawful gun owners and denying Second Amendment rights to these law abiding individuals will not reduce violent crime. On the contrary, the opposite is true. If law abiding citizens are denied their Second Amendment right to own firearms, then in that event, the only people to have guns will be the criminals. As such, you may be assured I will continue to oppose, and I will continue to vote against, any and all Anti - Second Amendment, Gun Control initiatives. Finally, I submit for your review the following email, statistical information and news article which you may find of interest.

Once again, your expression of Second Amendment support is deeply appreciated and if I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely yours,

Kevin Kelly, Delegate

Allegany County
1911 Pistols can be additive!
No freeman shall be debarred the use of arms.
Thomas Jefferson
“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” Thomas Jefferson
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