Thread: Patriots
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Old 01-25-2015, 10:51 PM
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I'll just say this...

I care not in the great scheme of things who wins the super bowl, or who cheats or doesn't in the NFL. I'd be willing to bet its much akin to NASCAR where every team takes it up to and sometimes beyond that fine line of bending the rules, and/or breaking them.

I'm quite sure no one is pure and innocent of any wrong doing when a championship is on the line. (It is after all known as the National Felon League with over 700 of their players serving current or past charges of illegal wrong doing)

I'll not get my underwear in a bunch either defending, nor castrating this issue with deflated balls, and I think it's quite humorous that some folks will.

For what it's worth though, I think Jim has had the best posts and insight on this thread thus far!

Hats off Jim!

Respect to all!
a.k.a MaddMaxx
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- G. K. Chesterton