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Old 07-25-2014, 12:11 AM
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Default Border agent holds Boy Scout at gunpoint

This is our tax dollars at work.
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Old 07-25-2014, 12:19 AM
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That's nuts man.
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Old 07-25-2014, 01:22 AM
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Old 07-25-2014, 02:06 AM
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4 U.S. Code § 8 - Respect for flag

(a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.
I think it is time to consider this country is in "dire distress" when a Federal Agent detains a group of Boy Scouts and holds one at gun point, yet ILLEGAL ALIENS can INVADE our country and agents from that same Federal Agency must stand idle and let the invaders flood across our borders.

The INMATES are truly running the ASYLUM!
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Old 07-25-2014, 04:47 AM
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The parts I cannot figure are this.....Who are these people, the Border Agents? Who are these people who are so anti American, though they are American? Who trains them to be this way? How large in numbers are they? Do we have a gestapo like police force lurking in the shadows waiting for orders? I have such a hard time processing that fact that Americans treat Americans in such manner.
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Old 07-25-2014, 06:06 AM
Shark1007 Shark1007 is offline
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Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
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Old 07-25-2014, 06:48 AM
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I feel certain things like this occur very rarely. These agents should be retrained and reprimanded.
I know a lot of LE and they would not act this way.
Good to know we have these hard charging tigers on it! They certainly are good at scary young Americans. With this zeal they should be sent to work our worst most dangerous southern border where they can put their bravery into action.
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Old 07-25-2014, 08:06 AM
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From the article:

“The agent in charge informed me of the potential charges against (the) scout and informed me it is a violation of federal law for any American to take a picture of a federal agent or any federal building,” Fox wrote.

So my initial thoughts are how many times this "law" gets violated in DC. Pics of the White House, US Capital, all the other federal buildings that Americans take pics of. So also is it ok for a foreign national to snap pics? Maybe this guy mis-remembered what was said but I would bet this it is close enough to what was actually said. Also I wonder if they requested the video under. Freedom of Information Act. If it was and they denied it then that is just wrong. Maybe these guys need to be transferred to the southern boarder and act like this down there against illegal crossers.

Now that I have stated my thoughts, and just for the sake of discussion let's say there were big signs posted saying photography prohibited of the facility and agents during crossings. Someone wakes up and didn't see the signs and decides to take a pic. Agent sees this and thinks something may not be right and sees all this survival gear and maybe thinks the scout uniforms could be a disguise. OK so he decides to stop the van wouldn't it be better to just explain the procedure and show them a in writing that taking pictures of the sensitive areas is illegal and request they delete the pics. Then let them on their way. Instead they go all Super Trooper and it blows up. If it wasn't for the fact that the kids were muzzled I could let this pass as needing training on how to handle the situation better. However knowing what we all know about gun safety this is in acceptable. This could have ended very badly if a negligent discharge occurred.
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Old 07-25-2014, 08:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Gatorade View Post
From the article:

“The agent in charge informed me of the potential charges against (the) scout and informed me it is a violation of federal law for any American to take a picture of a federal agent or any federal building,” Fox wrote.

So my initial thoughts are how many times this "law" gets violated in DC. Pics of the White House, US Capital, all the other federal buildings that Americans take pics of. So also is it ok for a foreign national to snap pics? Maybe this guy mis-remembered what was said but I would bet this it is close enough to what was actually said. Also I wonder if they requested the video under. Freedom of Information Act. If it was and they denied it then that is just wrong. Maybe these guys need to be transferred to the southern boarder and act like this down there against illegal crossers.

Now that I have stated my thoughts, and just for the sake of discussion let's say there were big signs posted saying photography prohibited of the facility and agents during crossings. Someone wakes up and didn't see the signs and decides to take a pic. Agent sees this and thinks something may not be right and sees all this survival gear and maybe thinks the scout uniforms could be a disguise. OK so he decides to stop the van wouldn't it be better to just explain the procedure and show them a in writing that taking pictures of the sensitive areas is illegal and request they delete the pics. Then let them on their way. Instead they go all Super Trooper and it blows up. If it wasn't for the fact that the kids were muzzled I could let this pass as needing training on how to handle the situation better. However knowing what we all know about gun safety this is in acceptable. This could have ended very badly if a negligent discharge occurred.
Courts are ruling over and over that people, including Law Enforcement, have no expectation of privacy while in the public thoroughfare. Twelve years ago, when our kids were toddlers, I put up security cameras. We have a corner house, I monitored/taped the whole street. One neighbor took issue with it, saying his privacy was being invaded. Cameras didn't even show his actual house, just the street. I told him to sue me. He didn't. Before he moved he came over to say good bye, and told me he had talked to a lawyer who informed him it was a public street and he had no case. Now this was way back, when a single camera setup cost me $500.00, not like today when a whole kit costs that much. I became a proponent of cameras back then for my own homes. Sometimes we cannot stop an invader, least we can do is find him later. It's public, people are free to roam, more cameras will be installed everywhere, and nobody can expect privacy. Agents need to keep guns holstered unless threatened with deadly force.
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Old 07-25-2014, 09:06 AM
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It's more "Obamatrauma" with glaring similarities to pre-war Germany.
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