View Full Version : Sailor refused to stand for morning flag raising

09-08-2016, 06:40 PM
A sailor who filmed herself refusing to stand for morning colors is now facing administrative action, Military.com has learned.

Thanks Colin Kapershit, now you've went and got our military to start protesting the flag.

Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick. :facepalm2:


09-08-2016, 06:53 PM
Here's another link to the story and this one has her video embedded.


09-08-2016, 06:56 PM
She needs her ass whipped . By God, I have had enough

09-08-2016, 07:29 PM
Wrap the friggin rope round the neck and raise the non participant too

09-08-2016, 07:33 PM
What can we expect from "administrative action"?

09-08-2016, 09:49 PM
I really hate this. Should make sure that they can't stand again

09-08-2016, 09:57 PM
I refuse to comment on the grounds that my remarks would be extreme.

pony up
09-09-2016, 04:38 PM
Once again, as always, further proof that we have not yet found the stoopidest bastage on the planet as yet..... I suggest that everyone who doesn't like it here get the hell out. I will donate $ to the cause. Perhaps the Parade could start behind the pied piper of America haters .... like during the 3rd week of January 2017... just sayin

09-09-2016, 04:58 PM
They would be first in line for a general or dishonorable discharge in my book. Not to mention that they have a bunch of people they work with that won't have their back when they need it. They're lucky I'm not on the administrative / Courts Martial board.

Just sayin'

09-09-2016, 05:27 PM

Don't they have a plank they can walk on Navy ships?