View Full Version : The smoking gun is about to catch on fire

06-27-2012, 03:36 PM
When U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered in December of 2010 while investigating illegal gun and drug smuggling that turned out to be part of the Obama Administration scandal known as Fast and Furious, all records concerning the murder were sealed by the courts.

But in a bombshell revelation made by author and reporter Katie Pavlich on C-SPAN2's Book TV series Sunday evening, Pavlich told National Journal reporter Major Garrett that all of the evidence suggests that the reason the records are sealed is to prevent the public from finding out highly embarrassing information about the Obama Administration.

That information is that Agent Terry was more than likely murdered by paid FBI informants working with Mexican drug cartels and that the gun they used to kill him was a Fast and Furious weapon the Obama Administration had deliberately placed in their hands.

Pavlich's new book titled, "Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and Its Shameless Cover-Up," contains information gleaned from extensive research during which dozens of interviews were conducted with ATF whistleblowers and other sources inside the government who possess insider knowledge of the Fast and Furious scandal.

Very little information has been provided to the press or to the public concerning evidence retrieved at the crime scene, except for the fact that at least two guns were recovered. But government whistleblowers working for the ATF, ICE, and the FBI have reported that a third gun was recovered at the scene but was never sent to the forensics lab for analysis. That gun somehow mysteriously disappeared.

The agents who saw the gun and who are familiar with the Fast and Furious operation are adamant that it was part of the illegal scheme to send U.S. guns to Mexican drug cartels.

A secretly taped conversation between an ATF agent and a gun dealer, which was submitted into evidence and broadcast on CBS News, shows that there was a third gun despite vehement denials early on by administration officials.

Thus, overwhelming factual evidence already has been established that the third gun was present at the scene and removed, thus preventing it from being analyzed by forensics, and that the Mexican criminals that ATF agents had in their sights for gun and drug trafficking turned out to be paid FBI informants.

The information provided by Pavlich in her book confirms the claims made previously by ATF informants, which were relayed by this reporter and others over the past 18 months. Further, Pavlich is convinced that the reason the evidence from Brain Terry's murder is tightly sealed from public view is that the Obama Administration does not want the public to know that its Fast and Furious operation led directly to Agent Terry's death.

Part of the motivation for Barack Obama's assertion of executive privilege in withholding subpoenaed documents from the Issa Committee in Congress may be intended further to prevent the disclosure of the embarrassing facts surrounding Agent Terry's death, which of itself suggests much more extensive White House involvement in the scheme than previously disclosed.

But reporter Mike Vanderboegh, who first broke the Fast and Furious story in December of 2010, suggested Sunday that at least two other reasons account for Obama's declaration of executive privilege.

The first reason is that the White House wishes to protect its primary source of information about the scandal, former National Security Council member Kevin O'Reilly who was briefed regularly about the operation by the Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix Field Division of the ATF, Bill Newell. O'Reilly has been prevented thus far from providing testimony to Congress by deploying him to Iraq on a special mission out of the State Department by his boss, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Executive privilege will prevent O'Reilly from testifying in the future, even if he is brought home from Iraq.

The second reason for Obama's assertion of executive privilege is a factor that so far very few have discussed. As an operation involving drug smuggling and gun trafficking, Fast and Furious was part of the internal Justice Department division known to insiders as "Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force" (OCDETF). The division is so important within the Justice Department that all of its operations must be overseen and approved directly by the Attorney General, with overall oversight provided by the President of the United States.

Andrew McCarthy of National Review provides an in depth report on the manner in which OCDETF operates, the relevant point being that the administration's claim that the Fast and Furious scandal was a botched sting operation of local field agents out of the Phoenix office is completely ludicrous when viewed within the context of the OCDETF.

These operations are invariably conducted by what is known as "main Justice" in Washington at the highest levels of government.

Thus, there is no way in which Fast and Furious could have been conceived, planned, and implemented without the expressed knowledge and approval of the Attorney General in consultation with the President of the United States.

And that explains Obama's assertion of executive privilege.

06-27-2012, 05:24 PM
The NRA just told all members of the House they are scoring the contempt vote...we shall see how many Democrats vote for holding this douchebag in contempt