View Full Version : I Hear

08-08-2012, 03:39 PM
People talking about all the Gun Killings lately, and are trying to Ban Guns. But these people don't seem to understand, that there are stolen guns that are Sold on street corner in cities in every state............

I think if people with legal Guns and are Law Biding Citizens would log all Makes and Models, and SN and take pics of their guns that it would be easier to get them back and easier to trace especially the older Guns................

They Blame the Guns for all the Killings, but never Blame the person who uses the Gun In A Crime......... It is our Society and How they were raised, and the things they have Gone Thru.............


08-08-2012, 03:59 PM
I totally agree, Chief! It makes our duty as law abiding citizens that much tougher.

08-08-2012, 04:07 PM
ABSOLUTLY...just think if just one person would have had a gun in Colorado what might of happend different.....Our society is just clearly thinking sometimes...

08-08-2012, 04:34 PM
Good point Clyde!!!

08-08-2012, 07:58 PM
I think its disconnect from the values of the family unit. I was brought up around guns and knew not to anywhere near them with my Dad. I did once and paid the price. I still have that pellet gun, it doesn't work, but it is mine.

A gun is a mechanical unit. A mechanical unit does not fire unless made too. I have yet figure out why people are so afraid of them. I recently had a incident in a class setting...

The instructor was showing us how to do a proper thumbs forward grip. (this is my normal shooting grip). I was the third in line with a unloaded firearm, checked multiple times, to handle it. He handed it too me and I started to bring it up to shooting position and the guy next to me jumped back like I was muzzling him. He was sitting next to me at a 90 and I was pointing the pistol at a 45. I was now where near muzzling him, but he jumped like I pointed it strait at him.

08-08-2012, 07:58 PM
Yes Sir.

08-08-2012, 08:27 PM
Things are different than during our younger years, Doc. If we screwed up, we were held accountable, and our teachers and parents took us to task. Now, it's everybody else's fault instead of the person who commited the crime.

08-08-2012, 08:42 PM
Things are different than during our younger years, Doc. If we screwed up, we were held accountable, and our teachers and parents took us to task. Now, it's everybody else's fault instead of the person who commited the crime.

Isn't this the truth, when I was younger we were more afraid of our parents than anyone else. I was cought drinking one night with some buddies, the cops just took us home...I would have rather went to jail....

08-08-2012, 08:42 PM
Things are different than during our younger years, Doc. If we screwed up, we were held accountable, and our teachers and parents took us to task. Now, it's everybody else's fault instead of the person who commited the crime.

So true, so true. Its ridiculous