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Grizzman 06-28-2011 03:19 PM

The class I took last weekend was surprisingly thorough. It covered basic safety rules, sight alignment, likely after affects of a gunfight, and focused strongly on the need to practice, practice, and practice. Naturally, they suggested the students take the classes offered by the same outfit that gave the CCW class.

Laws were gone over pretty thoroughly, but she wouldn't dedicate any time to MO laws due to the lack of available time.

There wasn't any LEO bashing, cause the instructor was a 33 year LEO from KCMO.


2TransAms 06-29-2011 08:25 AM

The class I took had some very good points, sandwiched between hours of boredom. We had a one hour video from Sig about lasers which was basically a Sig advertisement, but there was also a good video and Q&A about deadly force.

wildcatter 07-26-2011 12:48 AM

We had a mostly laws and responsibilities pertaining to ccp's and weapons, but many types of weapons were passed around and there functions discussed. The importance of safety not only handling but how and where to keep and store in the home were also covered for those new to introducing a firearm into the home. No bashing and quite the contrary, are instructor was also a leo and was quite positive of law abiding citizens being armed. I thought it was well balanced and all but the proficiency testing was very good.

I will say and some won't like this, but there were about 25% of the class there that made me change my mind about being mandated to take this course. I assure you I would not want them around me with a loaded firearm and the attitude of to hell with it just shoot em and ask questions later, they confuse murder with self defense, some still do!! When I re qualify I am surprised at the ability of the gun owners there, they are probably very lucky they never have to rely on there ability to use there ccw!:eek:

SemperFi1977m 07-30-2011 04:53 PM

well, I can see that I should have no trepidations about complaining about my instructor. You guys seemed to have more of what I expected out of this class. I know what I need to know....but others in the class needed better instruction like you guys recieved

Thedragonslayer 07-30-2011 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by SemperFi1977m (Post 5075)
I complain because I DONT think it helps novices. There is more useful instruction given on carrying a firearm in our Hunting Education courses that are required to get a hunting license in our state.

I dont mind jumping through silly hoops to meet requirements....I guess Im just sharing my observations on how this course falls far-short of what I thought these mandated courses would contain lol.

I didnt appreciate the non-stop bashing of LEO's by the instructor (I felt that was HIGHLY unprofessional). He even asked if any of us were LEO or lawyers or reporters before starting his bash session. He also on multiple occasions mentioned behavior that he recommended to cover our own a**es that was highly illegal.

So overall...I was flabberghasted by the instructor's behavior and the hours wasted on bashing that could be better directed to the basic rules of safe firearms handling and the legal/correct way to excersize your carry rights.

Ok...Im all done:D

Sorry you had to go through that Sempy. I always recommend that people around here look into who they take the course from. It does make a big difference. We have several people around here that teach.

Safety, Gun Law, Safety, types of pistols, safty, how to conceal, safety, thats what I like folks to teach.:D

Mike S 07-31-2011 02:49 PM

Damn, sorry to hear about that. Here in Washington State where I live there is no such requirement. Down in Oregon they require a 4 hr class. I sat through the class (audited) with a friend of mine who was applying and have to say that it was pretty good for the beginner. They covered safety, firearms basics for revolver and semi-auto including the 1911, law, what to do if, and how to properly carry concealed. The instructor (Reserve Deputy) brought in several of his own handguns and holsters and then demonstrated how to conceal properly. At the end he handed out NRA and various training and informational pamphlets then gave the class several web sites to get info from. It went far beyond what I expected it to be and even though I wasn’t a participant, I learned a few things about Oregon law that were good to know.

230gr 08-05-2011 08:16 AM

I did my CCW with Missouri Shooter LLC, Don Treece. He gave a great class. But for someone well versed in firearms, it was a boring necessity on the journey to get qualified. The only qualm I had with the course wasn't the course or the instructor, it was the woman that didn't own a gun, never handled or fired a handgun. The thought that theoretically she could walk down stairs, buy a gun, and with some business with the Sheriff, be carrying concealed.
That's a little unsettling to me. Outside of should you need a permit to exercise your 2A rights, that one made me nervous.

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